Glutathione injections

Introducing our Glutathione Injection, often referred to as the 'mother of all antioxidants.' With the increasing demand for fast skin whitening solutions, heightened energy levels, anti-ageing treatments, weight loss aids, and improved skin health, this injection has gained significant popularity.

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Glutathione injections

Introducing our Glutathione Injection, often referred to as the 'mother of all antioxidants.' With the increasing demand for fast skin whitening solutions, heightened energy levels, anti-ageing treatments, weight loss aids, and improved skin health, this injection has gained significant popularity.

  • Pricing
    From £100
  • Procedure Time
    from 10mins
  • Downtime
  • Results last for
    Long Term

What are Glutathione injections?

Glutathione, a natural antioxidant produced in the liver, plays a crucial role in repairing skin, boosting immunity, neutralising free radicals, slowing down the ageing process, and acting as an anti-cancer agent. As we age, glutathione production decreases, accelerating the ageing process. Additionally, it aids digestion and regulates metabolism, which can support weight loss efforts.

Moreover, beyond disease prevention, glutathione enhances sleep, energy levels, memory, and exercise recovery. Dermatologists utilize glutathione injections for skin whitening, targeting dull, wrinkled, and pigmented skin by reducing melanin production (responsible for our skin’s pigmentation) and restoring lost tone and glow.


Glutathione injection treatment is very simple. It’s quite similar to getting a vaccine shot. The specialist will prepare the glutathione injection. The injection is administered to your body through a vein. Your specialist will determine the frequency of the injection depending on targets you wish to achieve.

Glutathione Technique

Before / After

Glutathione injections


  • Reduce hyperpigmentation, sun spots, wrinkles, acne, and even melasma
  • Body Detoxification
  • Detoxifies the liver and cells
  • ⁠Improving Skin Conditions
  • Supporting Weight Loss and Metabolism
  • ⁠As an Antioxidant - Reversing oxidative damage
  • Muscle Recovery
  • Improving Liver Function
  • Supporting Immune Functions
  • Shifting Metabolism from Fat Production to Muscle
  • ⁠Increasing Collagen levels
  • Increases immunity and protects skin from common pollutants, rashes, and sunburn
  • ⁠Helping memory
  • ⁠Fighting Inflammation
  • ⁠Improving Sleep
  • ⁠Increasing Energy Levels
  • Increasing Fertility in Men
  • Accelerates fat burning
  • Fights against arthritis and damages caused by diabetes
  • Eliminates acne, black spots, and pimples

