What do you know About Pressotherapy?

Sometimes, all your body needs is a boost to maintain its natural functions, and a good detox can certainly do the job. Thankfully, we have fantastic treatments, such as Pressotherapy, that can improve our overall wellbeing and help us achieve our beauty goals, without causing any discomfort or irreversible harm.
Here at Primas Medispa, we are dedicated to helping our clients be the best versions of themselves and feel confident in their bodies. We are happy to introduce our exclusive Pressotherapy treatment offer this autumn/winter so you can benefit from all the amazing effects at a fantastic rate.
Before you book a consultation with one of our beautician experts, you may want to learn more about Pressotherapy. Get in touch with us or read on to find out more.
What is Pressotherapy?
Pressotherapy is an effective and pain-free treatment that promotes lymphatic drainage and naturally detoxifies your body of unwanted toxins. This exclusive treatment can also help improve other functions, such as reducing cellulite and unwanted fatty deposits, which helps shape and tone the body. Moreover, it can also help rejuvenate and repair your skin.
If you still don’t believe that Pressotherapy can work wonders, perhaps you may be convinced when we tell you that the treatment can also help cure more serious health concerns. The non-invasive treatment can help ease post-operation recovery processes, counteract “heavy-legs” syndrome as well as help fight off pain and swelling in the muscles and joints that naturally occur during inflammation in the body.
How does it work?
You may be wondering how Pressotherapy can have all these impressive results. This is due to the gentle pressure that is put on various areas of the body during the process. The pressure allows the body to carry out its natural lymphatic drainage, which ultimately leads to a healthy boost in your energy levels, immune system, skin health, and to a reduction of water retention.
The revolutionary process can also restore a natural flow in your circulatory system, activating the veins and lymph vessels, and stimulating drainage of any accumulated toxins and metabolic waste.
Is Pressotherapy safe?
The short answer is yes. There haven’t been any risks associated with Pressotherapy so far, and the treatment is considered safe for patients. This is mainly because the therapy merely stimulates the body to undergo its natural processes and unblocks vessels for a natural lymph flow.
However, if you select a higher pressure setting you may experience some discomfort, so it is advised to choose a lower pressure intensity. Moreover, there is a chance of getting red spots on the skin or other mild skin irritations after the session. But these are known to be normal reactions of your body that will disappear soon after the treatment.
Although Pressotherapy is scientifically proven to be a safe treatment, it is strongly advised that some individuals refrain from having Pressotherapy.
These individuals include those suffering from:
- Acute inflammation
- Deep vein thrombosis and phlebitis
- Malignant tumours
- Severe heart issues
- Osteosynthesis or join replacement in lymphatic paths
- Epilepsy
*Pregnant women are also advised not to undergo Pressotherapy.*
Consult with our experts
If you’d like to book a Pressotherapy session, feel free to drop by the spa or call our team of experts who will give honest advice on how many sessions are suitable for your unique body, and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with this life-changing treatment.