Top 5 Treatments To Book Post-Lockdown, At Primas Medispa

Primas Medispa were delighted to welcome our patients back into clinic earlier this month, following our reopening post-lockdown. It’s been lovely catching up with customers old and new since reopening the Medispa’s doors – all within our safe, fully COVID-19 compliant environment.
As you’d imagine, we’ve been super busy since our return to work! And the team are just as excited as you are to get you booked in for your favourite treatments. So due to this, we’ve extended our opening hours to accommodate as many of you as possible; working around your schedule, as we continue to navigate the new normal.
Welcome back!
Not sure where to start in beginning your post-lockdown glow-up? After months being unable to book beauty, skin and aesthetic treatments, it’s hard to know what we should be prioritising on our appointment list(s)!
We’ve compiled a list of our top five treatment picks at Primas Medispa – procedures and / or courses of treatments which are ideal to start now, in order to see best results in time for June 21st! If you have any questions on any of our recommendations (or any other treatments we offer at Primas) don’t hesitate to get in touch; where a friendly member of our team will be happy to advise further.
Primas Medispa’s Top 5 Post-Lockdown Treatment Recommendations
1. Body Treatments
If, like us, you’ve gained a little weight during lockdown due to the gyms being closed and the #workfromhome life meaning we’ve all been that little bit less active, our range of top of the range toning and cellulite treatments can help kickstart your fitness journey once again – and boost your self-confidence.
Treatments such as our Cryo Fat Freezing procedures are 100% non-surgical, non-invasive and require no recovery time. They’re a fantastic choice to help shift stubborn deposits of fat (used on upper arms, abdomen, thighs, hips, flanks, back, chin etc) – with best results visible between 4-12 weeks. These are a great course of treatments to start now, for results to be achieved in time for Summer – and any holidays you may have planned!
Our innovative Tshape Body Remodelling Treatments are another great choice when it comes to toning up post-lockdown – which combine a blend of cutting-edge of radiofrequency, laser and vacuum technology to target saggy skin and cellulite. Again, all without having to go under the knife.
Unsure – or want to know more about these treatments before booking a course? Primas Medispa are currently offering our patients trial sessions on many of our body treatments – where you’ll enjoy a taster session of the treatment, see what it entails and learn more about the technology used. In addition to this – should you decide to book a treatment package following your trial day in clinic (on the appointment day itself), you’ll receive an amazing 50% off! Click here to book and take advantage of our exclusive ‘Trial our Treatments’ offer.
2. Laser Hair Removal
Summer’s just around the corner – and with the temperatures hotting up, now’s a great time to book in for a course of Laser Hair Removal at Primas; for fuzz-free legs and no need for razors. After 12 months of lockdown, we’re ready to don our favourite summer dresses and make the most of being outside with loved ones – and shaving is the last thing we want to be spending time on!
We use cutting-edge MedioStar NeXT PRO XL technology – the fastest laser hair removal technology on the market, used as standard with all our patients. It generates 2,400 watts of power, to provide better, faster, and more comprehensive treatment. Not only this, but unlike other, more dated laser hair removal options; MedioStar NeXT PRO XL works on any type of skin and at any time of the year. Whereas older, inferior technology is often unable to treat darker skin types; our technology works all the time, all year round, on everybody.
3. AQUA3 HydraFacials
AQUA3 HydraFacials are the gold standard in advanced facial treatments. After months unable to book our favourite facials and skin treatments, there’s no better way to thoroughly cleanse, detox and refine dull #ZoomFace complexions than with an AQUA3 HydraFacial at Primas Medispa.
This treatment detoxifies the skin, consisting of four main steps that deep cleanse, hydrate, exfoliate using microdermabrasion and rejuvenate the complexion; using water jets, Hyaluronic Acid infusion, microdermabrasion and targeted skincare. Leaving your skin brighter, tighter, younger looking and clearer!
4. Skin Peels
What better way to shed all the stress of the past 12 months than with a rejuvenating Skin Peel at Primas Medispa? If your skin’s looking a little dull and lack-lustre after months indoors, heightened amounts of screen time and changes in diet; a medical grade skin peel can help restore and reveal your inner glow.
Our expertly formulated range of deep-performance, long-lasting skin peels offer everything you need to help you peel away your blemishes and revive your complexion – without the need for invasive surgery.
5. Cosmetic Injectables
If (like us) you’ve spent heightened amounts of time behind a screen and examining your face from different angles on video calls, you may have been considering a few small tweaks to your appearance; to reduce visible signs of ageing or restore symmetry to your facial features.
Zoom Face is a very real condition – and whilst whereas being at home and ditching the makeup is great for our complexions, the flipside of this has meant that people have become more aware of perceived flaws in their appearance (e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin.) Cosmetic Injectables – such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments can help restore lost volume, improve symmetry, prevent the onset of future wrinkles and banish fine / dynamic lines in the skin.
Life can take its toll on us (especially the last 12 months!) and our skin is the canvas on which this shows. Fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage from sitting outside during the first lockdown… our skin goes through a lot. Dermal fillers and wrinkle reduction treatments can help reduce the visible signs of aging and give you back your glow – and feeling good in your own skin is something we’re huge advocates of at Primas Medispa. No matter which of the treatment(s) above you choose to go ahead with to achieve that!